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 Some have said that the artist "Jjuan Larkin" style origins are" Unknown , unheard , something new and different." After releasing his first solo mix-tape entitled "R.C.A (Red Card Approved on 4/23/13) he passionately continued  working to complete his project entitled "Expressions of Jay" (7/17/13 on Jjuan Larkin's Birthday)



"Expressions of Jay"  composed with  odd and unique wide rage of sounds and melodies. "Just sends your mind on your own self driven mission." (unknow). Growing up Jjuan was a self imposed exile,  some say it helped him to be able to form and create his own experiences to  become unique and an individual not a criminal. Most people in Denver are still unaware that a such talented individual would live among-est the false and in-pure .

 Still Jjuan Larkin arosed to let his voice be heard to all the young and old


Jjuan Larkin's story must be told!!!!

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